
Graduating from university and entering the real world of work can be extremely daunting. However for many, these challenges commence even before graduating, in school and university. I found myself in an incredibly challenging position at university, knowing that I could only graduate with a maximum of a 2.2 degree from the University of Warwick, even before starting my final year of university back in 2013. But with perseverance, I learnt that the mental strain these challenges could also bring about huge learning experiences, especially the ability to look at my own life from a whole different perspective.

I created this blog a few years after graduating to share my story with the aim of helping others who would face similar, strenuous challenges to what I faced during my university years. However what I’ve come to learn is that these challenges are faced by the everyday working individual from all careers, positions and status in the hierarchy.

I can only hope that by sharing my story I can provide confidence to others who are currently facing these challenges, whether at university or even decades after graduating. If you know anyone who is going through a challenging time the best thing you can do is share your story. We always hear about the successes of family and friends around us but what is hidden within are the struggles that every single individual faces, but more importantly how unique these challenges are.

The goal in sharing my story was a reminder that there are many paths to take to make yourself proud and take ownership of what you want to learn.

Share my story. Share your story. Share your challenges and how you’ve overcome it. Give that little bit of confidence to those who need it!